Shop calmly in the comfort of Nancy Wexler Taylor's home.
(Cash, Check,Venmo, credit cards accepted)
Portion of sales to benefit the Bucks County Opportunity Council
The featured artists:
SUSAN ROSEMAN -Artie Art Greeting cards Paper ephemera Tea towels, wine totes and pillows. www.artieart.com IG artieartcards FB: Artie Art
REBECCA KELLY Embroidered Vessels and Hearts : vintage fabric and natural dyed silk are embellished with hand stitching. IG: rebecca18kelly FB: Rebecca Kelly Twitter @bubbesbooks inliquid.org/artist/kelly-rebecca/
CATHY SPATZ - Playhouse Threads Handwoven bamboo scarves, cotton towels,wool shawls. FB: Playhouse Threads IG: springsong22
GABRIELA SANTARELLA artYful design objects Art for the Garden/Patio: Lucite discs with a glowing edge mounted on swinging rods; stone vases & other items made out of stone www.artyfuldesignobjects.com FB: artYful IG: artyfuldesignobjects
NANCY WEXLER TAYLOR Pilfered,Pressed & framed flowers Broken dish mosaics Mixed media jewelry FB: Nancy Wexler Taylor-Arts IG: nancywexlertaylorarts
OGDEN KRUGER Mixed media, painting, collage art, inks, acrylics and whatever I can get my hands on. All of my work comes blessed with positive intentions, sometimes visible and sometimes not! Tarot card readings www. ogdenkruger.com IG odgenkruger